
ieccode for company

IECcode for company

We provide solutions and services for IEC code obtaining. IEC code for a company like Proprietor, partnership, LLP, Pvt Ltd.

To get applied for IECcode for company. IECcode application will be done and then after license will issue.

IECCode for company like Private limited LLP Parnership Propritership Trust Individuals

Companies like Private limited, Limited Liabilities Partnership, Partnership and proprietor can get the Import Export Code number license.

IEC code for Export company

What is IEC code for exports ?

IEC code means Import export code provided by DGFT India. While doing export This code is most important for any exporters those who wants to exports their goods or serviecs.

IEC code for Import and Export

IEC code is most important while doing exports or Imports goods and services from India.

IEC code for exports of services

This is useful for importing and exporting goods and services from United States, Canada, Australis, Africa, Asian countries European countries, etc.

IEcode for which country ?

IEcode stands for Import export code and this is compulsory for Indian exporter or Importers. This is useful for India only.

IEC Code Application for company

IEC Code registered with DGFT and That will searched on DGFT site. Validity for IEC code is Lifetime but as per government every year you has to update your profile. IEC code can be verified on DGFT website and also view from the same.

DGFT full form

DGFT stands for Directorate General of Foreign Trade 

IEC Code Full form

Import Export Code Number

Our services 
  • MSME registration 
  • DIC registration
  • Import export code number license
  • ISO 9001:2015 QMS certificate
  • ISO 45001 for Manufacturers.
  • Trademark registration
  • CE Marking 

IECcode for Manufacturing units and goods exporters or suppliers

We provide new application, modification, IECgate application, Import export License for the manufacturer, Service providers, Individuals, Companies. IEC Code for a company is to do import or export of goods and services.

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